Mountain Springs Water Company
1717 Badger Way
New Harmony, UT 84757
(435) 586-2526
The Mountain Springs Water Company (MSWC) was formed as a not-for-profit mutually owned corporation in 1989. Initially the system was completely manual. Volunteer residents operated diesel generators to pump water from wells into storage tanks and then out to shareholders. Development went on in phases over the years. The expansion of the water system throughout the phases has been paid for by the develpers.
At this writing (spring of 2020) we operated two wells, the Sawyer well to the southwest during the irrigation season, and well B just north of the “Two Horse Ranch” during the winter months. There are three storage tanks, over twenty miles of pipleine, equipment to control the water pressure at various elevation in the system, and diesel generators in case of a prolonged power outage. There are 389 lots in the development and 243 residential connections at this writing. Each lot has or will be provided with a meter water. MSWC owns the water rights and has the pumping capacity to provide one acre foot of water (326,000 gallons) per year to each lot at build out.
The intrinsic value of our investments here lies in the area’s natural beauty and the availability of year round potable water. Without a dependable supply of water we would own third rate range land. You have all seen the rapid growth in the last few years and the company is working hard to upgrade our physical facilities, and especially our billing and accounting practices, to keep up with the growth.