President – Stephen Biggs

Stephen was born in Fontana, California in 1975. His most impressionable years growing up were spent in Corona, California. He is married and the father of 5 children. He and his wife have been married for 24 years and moved to New Harmony from Hurricane, Utah where they lived for the previous 15 years. They left Hurricane and moved to New Harmony in search of a quieter place with more space to raise their family. Together with his wife and kids they spent two years building their house, taking on almost every task from milling most of the wood to making the bricks, pouring concrete, framing, most of the electrical and plumbing, and much more. For the last 20 years, and presently, Stephen has owned and operated a small wastewater management company serving southwestern Utah and parts of Arizona and Nevada. His passions in life include rock climbing, whitewater kayaking, gardening, and improving the space around him. Stephen is excited to serve as the President of Mountain Springs Water Company and the opportunity it will provide him to get to know the community better.
Secretary – Rosemary Wright

I have lived in Utah since 2019. My husband and I fell in love with New Harmony area and decided to build a home and retire here.
I have a bachelor’s degree in Sociology with a minor in Social Work. I spent twenty years as a professional in a small school district working in kindergarten. My husband and I have one adult daughter and have been married for forty years.
We love this area and the people and think we made the right choice.
Water Master – Tyler Solomon
Assistant Water Master – Richard Metzner (Dick)

Dick Metzner is a registered civil engineer who has worked throughout California and the Southwest. He has worked in the public and private sectors in both design and construction capacities. One of the early residents in the 1990s he has served Mountain Springs Water Co. as a trustee and as watermaster.
Trustee & Cross connection control Administrator – Jay Sayrahder

My wife and I moved from Arizona to the Valley of New Harmony in 2017. Here we built our dream home, where we plan to live out our retirement years. I am also serving as the Cross-Connection Backflow Administrator for the Mountain Springs Water Company.
After serving a tour in the U.S. Army during the Vietnam era, I pursued a career in the Aviation industry. In thirty-five plus years of flying, progression took me from Chief Pilot to flying Air Carrier operations in Alaska, being hired by the Federal Aviation Administration, certified as an Air Traffic Controller, then as an Aviation Safety Inspectors. I transferred to the U.S. Customs Service as a pilot/Federal Agent, Instructor Pilot for over twenty years. Conducted drug interdiction /enforcement operations nationally and throughout South America in partnership with appropriate foreign governments. Advancing to supervisor, managing all facets of aviation operations, ensuring that the risk of each mission was acceptable before committing manpower or aviation resources; balancing crew experience against mission priorities and external factors. Performed missions nationally; dedicated to preventing terrorist attacks within the United States, reducing vulnerability to terrorism and relief in natural disasters.
Trustee – Darren Adair

Mr. Adair is a semi‐retired, 30 year accounting and finance executive who recently moved back from Las Vegas to his birth community of So Utah and into Black Ridge Estates with his wife and two youngest teenage children in order take advantage of the outdoors and beautiful peaceful living. Mr. Adair has participated in his prior communities by working with youth and serving 28+ years on HOA, scouting and community volunteer boards. Most relevant experience might be his multi‐year service on the N. Las Vegas Water & Waste Water Utility Advisory board prior to being asked to serve the past six years as that City’s chief Finance & IT officer where he was tasked, among other things, with developing a model to financially recover, stabilize, protect and grow that communities water & waste water infrastructure. While serving 17+ years on three different HOA boards where he lived, Mr. Adair is most proud of those boards success in managing their community’s budget and resources while providing improved community services without requiring an increase in community dues during the years he served.
Trustee – Jeanne Brown

Jeanne Brown grew up in Southern California and is the mother of four, and also a proud Gramma of nine. Her personal time interests are RVing, off-roading, fishing, gardening, and baking sour-dough bread. Jean and her husband Glenn relocated to New Harmony in 2018.
Although officially ‘retired’, her days are quite busy with community support efforts which include her work with the Mountain Springs Water Company Board as well as participation in the New Harmony Volunteer Fire Association. Much of her time for the past 12 years has been also offered to the Make-a-Wish Foundation helping our communities kids.
Jeanne’s professional career included eight years working in the So. Cal. film industry, followed by ten years working in sales and public relations for General Pump Company in San Dimas California, a municipal water well service company. Her work with General Pump included knowledge of pumps, motors, and well rehabilitation services and techniques. Jean has also attended water well certification classes at the Rural Water Association Conference in St. George.
Trustee – Bruce Swanson

My wife Monique and I have lived in New Harmony, Utah for 6 years. I have had the opportunity to serve on the water board for the past 2 years. My hobbies are training and hunting bird dogs, hiking and anything that involves the outdoors.
Trustee – Brad Layton

My family and I are Native to Washington County. I believe we have a responsibility to maintain and improve what we have been given charge of by God. Fiscal responsibility is a must and is nonnegotiable. This position is not an hour commitment from time to time, it is always present and requires continuous thought and action.
My background is diverse and unique. I have acquired a Level 4 water Treatment and Distribution Certificates. (Highest level in Utah). I received both while working for the Washington County Water Conservancy District. This may be considered a Negative attribute to some. I assure you I left on my own terms based on political concerns. My long-standing good relationship both past and present with the Water District has given me an extensive list of resources that we can tap for our own benefit. I believe we are better as a community maintaining control and ownership of our resources. I strongly oppose any control of our water by outside entities i.e., the WCWCD.
I bring to the table extensive knowledge on the following topics:
Water Distribution/ Water Treatment Systems from Pump to meter.
Electricity AC/DC
Electrical Controls
Power Generation Electrical and Mechanical System
Successful business ownership